Getting To Know Los Angeles Alternative Rock Band “A Doll’s House”

LLTM: Is there a special meaning or back story on how the band got its name?

Seth: Way back when we first formed, we were booked play the Troubadour in Los Angeles, where we’re from.  That was our first club show.  We hadn’t really decided on a set name.  There was a book about The Beatles recording sessions that we loved and Dav had learned from there that the working title of what became the White Album was A Doll’s House and Dav thought that should be our name.  We liked it and it stuck.  Most people that know the name recognize it as a popular play by Ibsen, but that had nothing to do with it being the band name.

LLTM: Who have been some of your biggest musical influences and can we hear any similarities?

Santos: Between the four of us, the influences are many and from all corners.  From bands like Zeppelin, the Stones, The Beatles to The Police, Duran Duran, A-Ha to Jane’s Addiction, Travis, Motley Crue, Paul Simon.  We can definitely hear certain influences in certain places but not sure that they jump off the page to the listener.  We’ve been called “Chill Rock” and that seems like a pretty apt description.

LLTM: What has been the hardest part about being in the music industry today? What about the easiest?

Dav: The hardest part for us is, of course, that we’re a lot older than most bands releasing their first album.  The other challenge is that it’s so easy to find new music across so many platforms that you’re trying to stand out among an ever increasing market.  The easiest part is that now the technology allows people to record with quality for far less and when needed in different places. 

LLTM: When you listen to music, do you connect more with the lyrics or the instrumental side?

Santos: It depends on the song really – But some of the most memorable songs have music, lyrics, arrangement and melody all working together to create something special.  That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore by The Smiths, for me, is a great example.  The song is so expressive on every level, I connect with all aspects of it.  

LLTM: Who is currently on your playlist, and what song could you never get tired of?

Tony: I’m currently listening to a lot of Labi Siffre. His songwriting is incredible.  Also all of John Frusciante’s solo work. I could never get tired of Chris Cornell’s Murderer of Blue Skies or Queen’s Under Pressure.

LLTM: Who has been that person in your life you have always looked up to and why?

Tony: I look up to those who spread love and share their gifts. This is why we are here.  Also, I look up to Seth but that’s just because he’s taller than me.

LLTM: What do you hope the fans get out of your music?

Tony: I truly hope that someone listening to our music gets some of the vast range of emotions and intensity of those feelings that I experience listening to music.

LLTM: If you had to give up something for 30 days to perform with any artist/band for 1 hour, what would you give up and who would you be performing with?

Seth:  Paul McCartney and I’d give up my voice (because I don’t sing very well anyway and I’ve been listening to myself talk for a long time).

LLTM: Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years and what will it take to get there?

Dav: 59 years old with a guitar in my hands. 5 more years of clean living.

LLTM: What is the most influential quote or saying for you and why?

Dav: “It’s better to regret something you have done, than regret something you haven’t done.” It’s a joke between me and Seth, and it’s referencing a Butthole Surfer’s song, Sweat Loaf. But, while I don’t think they coined the phrase, there’s a lot of truth in it.

LLTM: Has the writing or recording process began for a new EP/Album, if so when can the fans expect it to be released?

Seth: Yes, we’ve got a lot of songs ready to record and are in the process of narrowing down the tracks for our second album.  We’re shooting for late 2024, which will be about a year from the release of this first album.

For more information on this amazing band from music, news and more click on the link below

Peace, Love and Music Hope R Chamblin❤

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